Viewing a project security report
This feature is only available in the Enterprise plan.
Security reports help you understand where you may have issues related to the following security standards:
Before you can view the Enterprise-level reports, your organization must be added to an enterprise. For more information, see the Managing your enterprise page.
You can view the security report of any branch (main, long-lived, or short-lived) of your project. For a given standard, it displays the number of raised security issues and hotspots by security category. Only the security rules activated in the project’s quality profiles are taken into account.
Make sure the relevant security rules are activated in your quality profiles; otherwise, your security reports will not be reliable (see Checking the security rules included in a project’s quality profile below). For instance, if no rule corresponding to a given OWASP category is activated in your quality profile, you won't get issues or hotspots linked to that specific category in the OWASP report.
Viewing the security reports of a project branch
- Retrieve the project.
- Select the project branch you want to view:
- For the main branch: In the left-side panel, select Main Branch.
- For another branch: In the left-side panel, select Branches, and, on the Branches page, select the long-lived or short-lived branch.
- Go to Security Reports.
- Select the security standard. The grid displays the number of raised issues and hotspots by security category.
- Select a number in the grid to view the corresponding raised security issues or hotspots.
Checking the security rules included in a project’s quality profile
1. Retrieve the project and go to Information.
2. In About This Project > Quality profiles used, select a quality profile. The quality profile page opens.
3. In the quality profile, select the active security rules.
4. In the left-side panel, navigate to the Security Category filter criteria and select a standard to view the categories covered by SonarQube Cloud analysis.
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