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SonarQube Cloud | Getting started with SonarQube Cloud | Retrieving your organizations

Retrieving and viewing your organizations

On this page

You can view any free or paid plan organization if you’re a member. 

Listing all your organizations

This procedure explains how to open your account's Organizations page. 

To list your organizations:

  1. Select your account menu in the top right corner of the SonarQube Cloud interface.
  2. In the menu, select My Organizations. The My Organizations page opens with the list of organizations you're a member of. 

Retrieving and viewing your organization

Select your account menu in the top right corner of the SonarQube Cloud interface. In the menu, under My Organizations, select the organization you want to view.
Alternatively, open the My Projects page and select the organization hyperlink in the projects list.

 The organization record opens on the Projects page. The organization key is displayed in the top right corner.

2. You can navigate through the different pages (some pages require specific access permission) :

    • Projects: This page lists the projects belonging to the organization and to which you have access.
    • Quality Profiles: This page allows authorized users to manage the quality profiles available by language for the organization's projects.
    • Rules: This page allows the retrieval of coding rules available in the organization through its quality profiles.
    • Quality Gates: This page allows authorized users to manage the quality gates available for the organization's projects.
    • Members: This page lists the organization's members and allows the organization admins to manage them.
    • Billing  & Upgrade: This page allows the organization admins to manage the organization’s subscription.
    • Administration: This menu allows the organization admins to access various administration menus.

Retrieving any free organization

  • If you know the organization key, go to<YourOrganizationKey>.
  • Otherwise, in the top navigation bar of the SonarQube Cloud UI, select Explore or go to, and select an organization.

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