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SonarCloud | Managing your projects | Administering your project | Setting user permissions

Setting project permissions and visibility

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When a project is created, a set of permissions defined through a permission template is applied by default. You can update these permissions provided you're a project admin.

Permissions related to a project

Permission TypeDescription
Browse Project

Applies only to private projects (Anyone, including anonymous users, can view the public projects.). 

Can view the project. 

See Source Code

Applies only to private projects. 

Can view the source code (via API and web view) provided the Browse project permission is also granted.

Note: Since the projects in a free organization are public, it is assumed that open accessibility of source code is expected. However, as a precaution, anonymous and unauthorized users are prevented from easily downloading source code via API and web views.

Administer Issues

Can perform the following actions:

  • Accept an issue
  • Mark an issue as False positive
Administer Security HotspotsCan change the status of a security hotspot. For private projects, the Browse project permission must also be granted.
Execute Analysis on projectCan start an analysis on the project. This includes the ability to get all settings required to perform an analysis (including secured settings like passwords) and to push analysis results to the SonarCloud server.
Administer project

Can perform the following actions:

  • Delete a project.
  • Change the project settings including project-level permissions.
  • Configure various project functions, such as PDF reporting, snapshots, and webhooks.

For private projects, the Browse project permission must also be granted.

Updating or resetting the permissions of your project

You can update the permissions manually or you can reset the permissions by applying a permission template defined by the organization admin. 

To update the permissions of your project

  1. Retrieve the project.
  2. In the left sidebar, select Administration > Permissions. The Permissions page opens.
  3. To apply a permission template:
    1. Select the Apply Permission Template button in the top right corner of the page. The Apply Permission Template dialog opens.
    2. Select the template you want to apply and select the Apply button.
  4. To update the permissions manually:
    1. Navigate to the bottom of the page to view the list of users and groups.
    2. Select the check box to change the permissions.

Changing the project's visibility

The project's visibility may be:

  • Public: Anyone, including anonymous users, can view public projects. A public project may be part of a free or paid plan organization.
  • Or private: Only authorized users, who are members of the organization, can view a private project. A private project can only be part of a paid plan organization. 

If your organization is a paid plan organization then you can change the visibility of your project provided you're a project admin. Otherwise, you must upgrade your organization to the paid plan.

To change the visibility of your project:

  1. Retrieve the project.
  2. In the left sidebar, select Administration > Permissions. The Permissions page opens.
  3. In the Project visibility section, select the Public or Private checkbox (Or you can upgrade your organization from this section.) The Turn to Private / Public dialog opens.
  4. Confirm the change.

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