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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Managing your subscription | Updating billing or payment details

Updating billing or payment details

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If you have a monthly subscription, you can update the billing and payment details of your organization. We recently introduced a new billing customer portal that is currently only available to new customers.

Managing your payment methods (new customer)

You can manage several payment methods. The default method is the method that will be used for payment. 

Adding a payment method
  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab. 
  3. In the Billing and payment information section, select Edit. The customer portal opens.
  4. In Payment Method, select + Add payment method.
  5. Enter your credit card information. By default, the new card is used as the default payment method but you can unselect the default option box.
  6. Select Add. The new payment method has been added.
  7. Select Return to SonarQube Cloud in the left-side panel to go back to SonarQube Cloud.
Removing a payment method
  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab. 
  3. In the Billing and payment information section, select Edit. The customer portal opens.
  4. In Payment Method, in the far right of the payment method to remove, select the three-dot menu.
  5. In the menu, select Delete.
  6. Select Return to SonarQube Cloud in the left-side panel to go back to SonarQube Cloud.
Changing the default payment method

To make a payment method your default method:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab. 
  3. In the Billing and payment information section, select Edit. The customer portal opens. In Payment Method, you can see your registered payment methods. The default one is marked with the Default label.
  4. In the far right of the payment method to make default, select the three-dot menu.
  5. In the menu, select Make default.
  6. Select Return to SonarQube Cloud in the left-side panel to go back to SonarQube Cloud.

Updating your payment method (existing customer)

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade page. 
  3. In the Payment method section, select Edit. The Update payment method page opens.
  4. Update the payment details and select Save.

Updating your billing information

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab. 
  3. In the Billing and payment information section, select Edit. If you're a new customer, the customer portal opens: follow the steps below. Otherwise, edit the information and save.
  4. In the Billing Information section, select Update information.
  5. Edit your billing information.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select Return to SonarQube Cloud in the left-side panel to go back to SonarQube Cloud.

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