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10.4 | Analyzing source code | Languages | VB.NET


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Language-specific properties

Discover and update the VB.NET-specific properties in Administration > General Settings > Languages > VB.NET.

Analyze generated code

To analyze tool-generated code (e.g. WCF code generated by SvcUtil.exe) for a specific VB.NET project, enable the "Analyze generated code" setting inside Project > Administration > General Settings > VB.NET. By default, tool-generated code files are skipped from analysis.

The detection of generated code is based on file name, special comments, and attributes. The currently recognized values are in GeneratedCodeRecognizer.cs.

Scanner compatibility

To analyze VB.NET code, you need to use the SonarScanner for .NET version 4.x or newer.


Files to be excluded should be set in the project configuration. Excluded files are still going to be analyzed during the compilation and the results will be filtered according to the exclusion settings.

As an alternative, an .editorconfig file can be used to disable the analysis for a specific rule on a file or directory. This can solve performance problems on large files.

dotnet_diagnostic.Sxxx.severity = none

Known limitations

Currently, an error will be thrown when an issue is raised on a line of code containing the following pattern \s+error\s*: (i.e. one or more spaces, the string 'error', zero or more spaces and a ':' ). This is a well known problem on the Microsoft side (see issue). In order to work around this problem, analysis will skip issues reported on any line where the pattern is detected.

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