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Installing the SonarScanner for NPM

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Depending on how you want to start the SonarScanner for NPM, you will use a different installation method:

  • To start the scanner by adding the analysis to your build files: add the package to your project devDependencies.
  • To start the scanner from the command line: install the package in global mode.
  • To run analyses with npx: no installation is required.


See Scanner environment.

Adding the scanner to your project devDependencies

Use the following command:

npm install -D sonarqube-scanner

Installing the scanner in global mode

Use the following command:

npm install -g sonarqube-scanner

Performing advanced setup

Changing the scanner cache folder 

By default, the scanner binaries are cached into $HOME/.sonar/native-sonar-scanner folder. To use a custom cache folder instead of $HOME, set $SONAR_BINARY_CACHE.


export SONAR_BINARY_CACHE=/Users/myaccount/cache

or alternatively, set the variable in .npmrc:


Setting up the connection to a proxy server

In case the CI/CD host is behind a proxy, you must define the proxy-related analysis parameters required to connect to your proxy server to allow the scanner to download the scanner binaries. For more information, see Analysis parameters > Proxy. You may also use the HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variable.



Troubleshooting the installation

Docker container: the scanner fails with ".../jre/bin/java: not found"

You are probably relying on Alpine for your Docker image, and Alpine does not include glibc by default. It needs to be installed manually.

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