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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Managing your subscription | Signing up for a plan

Signing up for a subscription plan

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You sign up for a subscription plan at the level of the organization.

Signing up for the Team plan

For the Team plan, you can use different billing methods: monthly, with a credit card, or yearly, with a coupon. 

This procedure explains how to sign up for the Team plan when the organization is created. You can also sign up for the Team plan by upgrading a Free plan organization or downgrading an Enterprise plan organization: see Changing your subscription plan.

Monthly subscription
  1. Create your organization, either by importing a DevOps platform organization or by creating an organization manually. See:
  2. At some point, you will have to select the subscription plan. Select the Team plan.
  3. In Plan Details, select the Lines of Code (LOC threshold) for the organization: see LOC-based pricing in Subscription plans
  4. Select Continue to billing information.
  5. In Billing information, enter your billing information. 
  6. Select Continue to payment information.
  7. In Payment information, enter your credit card information.
  8. Select Create Organization and Upgrade.
Yearly or custom subscription
  1. Select the Lines of Code (LOC threshold) you want to purchase for the organization: see LOC-based pricing in Subscription plans
  2. Contact our sales team to purchase a yearly or custom coupon for the selected LOC.
  3. Once you have your coupon, create your organization, either by importing a DevOps platform organization or by creating one manually. See:
  4. At some point, you will have to select the subscription plan. Select the Team plan.
  5. In Plan Details, select the I already purchased a coupon link.
  6. Enter your coupon and select Apply coupon.

Signing up for the Enterprise plan

For the Enterprise plan, you must use coupons.

To sign up for the Enterprise plan:

  • If your enterprise already exists and you want to add an organization to it, see below.
  • Otherwise, see Setting up your enterprise.

To apply an Enterprise coupon to your organization:

  1. Select the LOC you need for your organization within the enterprise (see LOC-based pricing in Subscription plans). 
  2. Contact our team to purchase the corresponding Enterprise coupon (You will have to provide the organization key.). Our team may apply the coupon to your organization. If that's not the case, proceed to the next steps.
  3. Retrieve the organization.
  4. Select the Billing & Upgrade tab.
  5. If you already have a coupon, under the Upgrade to Enterprise plan section in the upper right corner, select the apply it directly here link.
  6. Enter your coupon and select Apply coupon.

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