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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Managing your subscription | Subscription plans

Subscription plans

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The SonarQube Cloud’s pricing model is subscription-based: each organization is assigned a subscription plan. Three different plans are available: 

  • Free plan, for small teams. Only basic analysis features are available.
  • Team Plan, if you want to benefit from advanced analysis features.
  • Enterprise Plan, for larger organizations and teams, and if you want to benefit from the enterprise-level hierarchy and from even more features.

For information about the billing model, see the Billing model page.

Comparison table

The table below shows a comparison between the different SonarQube Cloud plans.


Analysis of public projects: unlimited number of projectsxxxSee Project concept
Analysis of private projectsUp to 50k LOCUp to 1.9M LOCUnlimitedThe maximum number of lines of code (LOC) in an organization's plan restricts the analysis of private projects. See LOC-based pricing below.
Maximum number of organization members5UnlimitedUnlimited
Enterprise-level hierarchy

xYou can group several organizations into an enterprise.

Branch analysisOnly main branch analysisUnlimitedUnlimitedSee Branch analysis.
Pull request analysisOnly if the target branch is the main branchUnlimitedUnlimitedSee Pull request analysis.
Custom quality profiles
xxSee Quality profiles.
Custom quality gates
xxSee Quality gates.
xxSonarQube Cloud supports the configuration of webhooks, allowing you to send automatic notifications to external services of analysis activity. See Webhooks.
Report of security alerts in GitHub

xSonarQube Cloud automatically provides feedback about security vulnerabilities inside the GitHub interface itself. See GitHub code scanning alerts.
Issue resolution

AI CodeFix
xxSee AI CodeFix.
Management reporting


xSee Viewing portfolios.
Security reports

xSee Viewing security reports.
Project PDF reports

xSee Viewing project PDF reports.
User authentication and provisioning

GitHub member synchronization
xxSonarQube Cloud synchronizes automatically organization members with GitHub. See GitHub member synchronization in DOP user accounts.
DevOps platform authenticationxxxSee DevOps platform user accounts.
SSO authentication

xSee SAML SSO user accounts.

xxAs an organization admin, you can manage custom groups and change the permissions of any group. See User group concept.
Permission templates
xxAs an organization admin, you can use permissions templates to manage the default permissions applying to new projects. See Managing the project-related permissions through templates.
Organization-wide project configurations

xAs an organization admin, you can define the long-lived branch name pattern, the analysis scope adjustment, and the automatic analysis disabling for new projects at the organization level. See Performing global analysis setup.
Projects Management page

xAs an organization admin, you can manage the projects of your organization on a centralized page: the Projects Management page. See Using the Projects Management page.
Delegation of the quality profile management permission

With the Administer Quality Profiles permission, you can authorize users or groups to manage a specific custom quality profile. See Delegating permission to manage quality profiles in Managing quality profiles.

LOC-based pricing

The Lines of Code (LOC) based pricing is calculated by adding up the LOC of each private project analyzed for your organization. The calculation is a measure of the sum of the LOC of the largest long-lived branches for all your projects. It is not a measure of the new code analyzed in a given billing cycle. During calculation, the following are excluded from your LOC count:

  • Test code.
  • Files excluded from analysis.
  • Code in unsupported languages.
  • Comments or blank lines.

Your organization has two private projects:

  • Project-1 has 500 lines of code on its main branch and 400 on a secondary long-lived branch: its LOC is 500.
  • Project-2 has 0 lines of code on its main branch (provisioned but never analyzed) and 200 on a secondary long-lived branch: its LOC is 200.
  • The total LOC for your organization is 500 + 200 = 700.

With the Team and Enterprise plans, you can choose the maximum total number of LOC for your organization's private projects. 

You cannot exceed your LOC threshold in SonarQube Cloud. Once you are near your LOC limit, you will receive a notification informing you of this and advising you to upgrade your current subscription plan to a higher LOC limit or to reduce the number of LOC in your projects.

You can analyze the same code as often as you like. However, if you try to analyze more LOC than is allowed under your current subscription, SonarQube Cloud will not perform the analysis, and you will also receive an error message clearly explaining the reason for this.  


Your organization has a 20,000 LOC license.

When you analyze a project that contains 10,000 lines of code (LOC) once, you have used 10,000 LOC from your organization's license. If you analyze the same project 20 more times, you will still have only used 10,000 LOC from the license. 

However, if you then try to analyze a different project that has 15,000 LOC, you will exceed the 20,000 LOC limit of your organization's license and receive an error message.

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