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SonarCloud | Administering your SonarCloud | Performing global analysis setup | Adjusting analysis scope | Excluding from coverage or duplication

Excluding specific files from code coverage or duplication check at the organization level

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This feature is only available in the Enterprise plan.

As an organization admin, you can exclude specific files from code coverage or duplication check at the level of the organization. It means that this analysis scope adjustment applies to all projects in the organization. However, they can be overridden at the project level in the UI or through analysis parameters set on the CI/CD host.

Excluding specific files from the code coverage analysis

To exclude specific files from the code coverage analysis:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Analysis scope.
  3. In Code coverage > Coverage Exclusions, enter and save a path-matching pattern to define files to be excluded from the code coverage analysis: see Wildcard patterns in Analysis scope.

Excluding specific files from the duplication check

To exclude specific files from the duplication check (detection of identical lines of code):

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Analysis scope.
  3. In Duplication > Duplication Exclusions, enter and save a path-matching pattern to define files to be excluded from the duplication check: see Wildcard patterns in Analysis scope.

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